WALL-E Game Wiki
WALL-E kiosk

These kiosks have a indicator light not found in other missions

Steward Kiosks are stations where Stewards "rest" on the Axiom. Stewards leave their stations if they are alerted by an OP-T bot. In addition, sometimes their exist is triggered by a script. Most notably in Robot Rescue, where multiple are released to "protect" the keycards.

The kiosks in EVE Pursuit and Clean Getaway are purely cosmetic in function; in the first level, they are permanently closed. (While there are Stewards in the in-game video fail scene, they are not shown exiting their kiosks.) In Clean Getaway, a mission on rails, they are scripted.


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Deactivated Kiosks in Robot Rescue (the banner is moving downwards indefinitely)

The kiosks are essentially a rectangular hole in the wall. When a Steward is in its kiosk, there is a green energy screen between the Steward (which displays a black screen) and the outside world and a light blinks on at the top of the station (only in Robot Rescue). When a Steward is outside the kiosk, banners on either side display a red Steward silhouette.


  1. EVE Pursuit (cosmetic only)
  2. Clean Getaway (cosmetic only)
  3. Robot Rescue
  4. Human Highway
  5. Holo-Detector Dash